
Event: 2012-05-22

SUMMARY OF THE EVENT: An interplanetary shock wave was detected by ACE at 18:45 UT on May 21 resulting in active geomagnetic conditions (K = 4 reported by Dourbes and NOAA)(source: As a consequence, the Earth's ionosphere above Europe was disturbed between 21/05/2012 18:00 UTC and 23/05/2012 04:00 UTC.

VTEC Time Series

Figure 1: VTEC Time Series

VTEC point locations

Figure 2: VTEC extracting locations

Figure 1 shows the time evolution of the Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC) (in red) extracted from the near-real time VTEC maps at 3 different latitudes (Figure 2): a) Northern part (top), b) Brussels (middle) and c) Southern part (bottom). Also shown, the model based on the median from the 15 previous days (in grey).

About this event, see also:

  • Comparisons with the median of the last 15 days: here
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